January 2020 Minutes

MINUTES of the Board of Directors Meeting
Pauma Valley CC Estates HOA #1
January 21, 2020

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of PVCC Estates HOA#1 was held on the date referenced above in an available office of the Pauma Valley Country Club. The boardroom was unavailable due to renovations.

I. QUORUM. A quorum was declared based on the presence of the following Directors:
Jim Cipriano, Mike Esparza, Colin Koch via phone, Jodie Lawston, Pam Thiessen

II. CALL TO ORDER. Jodie Lawston called the meeting to order at approximately 5:15 pm.

a. Unanimously approved Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting held November
13, 2019.
b. Motion to amend quarterly structure of financial, P and L to include only 3 columns:
Budget, Expenditures, and Variance, seconded and approved.
c. Treasurer to prepare a Fiscal year budget for period 3/1/19 to 2/29/2020. Board to
hold special budget meeting, prior to anticipated approval of annual 2020 budget at
April meeting.
d. Send letter to Dockweiler re intention to finish roof by May, with language per
discussion regarding possibility of mitigating penalties once complete. Jodie and
Mike to meet with them. File new liens with County, based on latest
assessments/penalties incurred.
e. Send parking violation letters to Hammon and Nolan.
f. Motion to send annual HOA#1 billing in February, both electronic and post.
Seconded and approved.

Financial – questions and comments regarding the most recent financial statements
determined that bookkeeper’s work sheet, and trial balance is not necessary. The
statements needed are those pertinent to Board related information including a balance
sheet, Profit and Loss, Profit and Loss versus Budget, and Receivables.
a) Statement prepared 9/09/19, is labeled profit and loss 3/19 thru 2/2020. This
statement is either mislabeled, or is not a P and L, as a P and L is not projected to a
future date.
b) HAGEY, line item in P and L for lot maintenance, payment received, yet no
corresponding income line item of $300.
c) Balance sheet sent by Colin on 1/14/2020 includes two statements: a balance sheet
labeled 12/31/2019, and P and L Performance, labeled 3/2019 (5 columns). It was
suggested that this statement should have 3 columns only: P and L, Annual Budget
and Variance, so we can easily detect which line items are over or under budget.
d) We currently do not have an approved P and L. Need budget immediately, and can
use last column. We do not budget penalty assessments. Currently $1500.00 in this

category appears under annual budget. Penalty assessments are not an expected
budget item.
e) Decision on amending P and L/financial statement, and agree on 3 columns –
budget, expenditures, Variance-over/under. Motion made, seconded and approved.
f) Updated January P and L should be for period 3/2019-9/2019, though dates of
report run thru September 2019. At the end of the next quarter, April 2019, we will
determine whether to continue with current bookkeeper.
g) Receivables: Only suggestion of receivables account is transaction detail by account.
We need Quarterly, P and L versus budget, Balance Sheet, and Receivables, and now
we need to put together an annual budget.
h) Mowing maintenance: has Hagey already paid? Dockweiler status?
i) Add Sands past due amount to annual bill.
j) Colin to put together a Fiscal year budget, 3/1 to 2/29/2020. Board will approve an
annual budget at quarterly meeting in April. Suggest a special budget meeting in
February to approve and adopt a budget. Prior to our current board installation,
there was a banner installation amount approved for $500. Include as misc. expense
or separate line item, 10 hours of work 4x per year. $250 is plenty going forward.

Architectural Committee –
a) Current Requests and violations: Send letter to Dockweiler re intention to finish roof
by May, previous correspondence with Vern Larson. Pam to draft letter, add
inclination to work with him, meet with him, and based on their compliance we will
work with him in negotiating the penalties. Mike and Jodie to draft letter re others
in violation, i.e. Nolan.
b) Dockweiler Liens, file new liens with county, Mike and Jodie to meet with them
c) Hagey Lot: Hageys happy club cleaning up mess they made, Club/Scott committed
to maintaining the property behind Winjin in a fire safe manner. Alex Winjin
understands that it may take several months to complete lot clearing.
d) Lot 36: Mike discussion re plans of Pauma Valley Investors, Club using it, the PV
Investors have an exemption. Scott/Club has agreed to maintain lot 36, including
planting grass, eradicate weeds, and maintain, though still owned by Shiley
Investors. Plan is to initiate after club grand opening in Feb.
e) Escrow docs sent re sale/purchase by Vuytowecz of Sudak lot,
f) Website: Can Jodie delete previous, Wix site. OK, good job on current/new website.
g) HOA Dues: Invoiced in March, How do we want to invoice this year. Dockweiler only
member who remains unpaid. Motion to send billing in February, Seconded and
h) December 3 electronic correspondence: some emails returned, or missing email
address. Update list and send to Board.

a) Jim Cipriano requests to resign from the board effective immediately. Suggestions
for his replacement requested. Board needs to appoint a replacement prior to June,
and that would be our slate to vote on in June. Send names in by Feb. 1, 2020 for
a) Budget meeting to be scheduled February or March – prior to April board meeting.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 6:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Pamela Thiessen