March 2020 Minutes

MINUTES of the Board of Directors Meeting
Pauma Valley CC Estates HOA #1
March 29, 2020

A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of PVCC Estates HOA#1 was held on the date referenced above, via Online Zoom meeting/conference due to Covid-19 quarantine.

I. QUORUM. A quorum was declared based on the presence of the following Directors:
Jodie Lawston, Mike Esparza, Colin Koch Jerry Gonto, Pam Thiessen

II. CALL TO ORDER. Jodie Lawston called the meeting to order at approximately 3:05 pm.

A. Motion to accept Minutes of HOA #1 Board of Directors meeting held January 21,
2020, seconded and unanimously approved.
B. Motion to accept Budget, and financial report with proposed corrections as
discussed under Financials and Budget, seconded and unanimously approved.
C. Motion to suspend parking restrictions, and extend current parking exceptions
through May 31, 2020, due to Covid-19, seconded and unanimously approved.
Notification letter to be sent to all HOA members.
D. Nolan proposal approved for driveway landscaping.
E. Balloting packets for annual election of directors to be sent in May, with the annual
HOA meeting notice and financials.

Financials and Budget: review of Profit and Loss, Accounts Receivable and Balance
Sheet for period March 2019 through February 2020. Clerical error noted for correction
of P & L date of Annual HOA Picnic Expense (listed as 2017). Hagey lot maintenance
should be itemized as a pass-thru expense, and payments entered, and tracked, as
general income.

Discussion of proposed 2020 Budget with motion to approve. See above action.
Driveway and Parking: Decision by all to suspend parking restrictions, and extend
currently active, parking exceptions through May 31, 2020, due to Covid-19. Letters will
be sent electronically to the HOA members.

Architectural Committee: Plan received from Nolan’s for landscape planting to obscure
the vehicle regularly parked in their driveway, currently under exception. Proposal
approved, based on expected completion and function, as required.
Two directors will speak to the Dockweilers, once the Covid-19 quarantine is lifted,
regarding their outstanding 2019 and 2020 dues balance, roofing completion, parking
restrictions and penalty assessments.

CC&R Revisions: The current CC&Rs will be divided amongst the directors for review
and revision/restatement if warranted. Each director will review approximately five
Sections, and complete prior to June meeting for discussion and vote.

V. Annual Membership Meeting and Election of Officers: The 2020 annual HOA
membership meeting has been tentatively scheduled for June 28, 2020 at 3:00 PM,
pending any change in Covid-19 quarantine directives. The Ballot packets will be sent to
all members, and will include the current slate of officers for re-election, or candidates
for write-in. Current directors should self-nominate, or advise the board if they intend
to resign prior to the June meeting. The ballot packets will include the meeting notice,
the ballot with slate of officers, and a vote by Proxy form, with return envelope. Also,
the 2020 budget and current financial statements, Minutes of the 2019 Annual Meeting,
and any proposed/restated CC&R revisions for review.

VI. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Our director, Jerry Gonto has contacted the PVCC management,
suggesting they extend the club’s take-out service, and Menu to all residents of Pauma
Valley CC Estates, in addition to club members. This would provide a service to our
community within the gates, as well as assist the club in surviving the Covid-19
quarantine and operational restrictions. The Club management has agreed to
implement this plan, and to will notify all residents of PVCC Estates.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 4:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted, Pamela Thiessen