May 2023 Minutes

PVCCE Minutes May 23, 2023

Pauma Valley Country Club Estates HOA #1 Minutes
Board of Directors Mee>ng
Tuesday May 23, 2023

PVCCE Minutes May 23, 2023

Board members Present: Treasurer Roland Skumawitz, Secretary Michael Martello, Marian Guy and President Giannicchi. Board Member Ann Quinley was out of town.

  1. The Board discussed the upcoming Annual ElecIon and the advice from HOA ELECTION, Inc., that they would need addiIonal Ime to conduct our elecIon. The new date will be be in September and the noIces for candidates, etc., will be sent directly from the firm handling the elecIon. This is the same firm we have used in the past.
  2. The Board discussed the informal meeIng of neighbors hosted by Angela and Barry Sturdivant in their home on May 15, 2023. There were a lot of good ideas discussed. Two board members were in aSendance along with some past members of the Board. The consensus was that as a community we needed to come together on whether to engage in a re-write of our CC&R’s before spending money on a law firm; that small working groups would be more effecIve than a big free-for-all, and several aSendees volunteered to work on these issues moving forward. Several aSendees voiced concerns over how parking rules were being interpreted and used coercively against residents who had family members or visitors park in the driveway because there was no room in their garages. One aSendee declared that if all vehicles could not be parked in the garage, the resident should find another place to live. This was clearly not the consensus of those in aSendance.
  3. The Board acknowledged that we were expecIng an applicaIon for a new home on one of the lots as you approach the gate toward 76 on PVD.
  4. The Board was provided a dra_ of a memorandum from Secretary Martello which examined in detail the actual wording of the parking provision (SecIon 19) of the CC&Rs and the Board agreed that a copy of that memo should be aSached to the May 23 minutes when sent out to the membership.
  5. The Board discussed the scheduling of the summer potluck and will ask a group of volunteers to coordinate the event.

PVCCE Board of Directors